Friday, August 10, 2012

Here We Go AGAIN....

Yes, I realize I've said it a million times.  But I'm giving it another go.  Again.

This time I'm doing a diet through my doctor.  A really friggin expensive diet through my doctor's office.  I'm hoping this means I really mean bidness...

So, here I am, tracking my progress again.  Who knows if I'll ever actually hit the publish button, but I definitely want to keep a memoir of this journey.

Today was day 1.

I did not prepare as well as I hoped I would.  I planned on having my veggies prepared for at least a few meals, but that didn't happen.  Breakfast wasn't terrible.  I usually eat breakfast the minute I get to work, but since I won't really be able to snack, I decided to wait until I was really hungry.  I think I waited a little too long to have my cappuccino shake.  It certainly wasn't Starbucks but it wasn't bad.  I had a really hard time choking down my vitamins though.

By lunch time, I was FAMISHED.  I came home for lunch, as usual, but this time I didn't get to go through a drive through on my way.  I decided tomato basil soup sounded good, so I prepared it like the instructions said.  I also parboiled some broccoli and fixed myself a big salad of lettuce and lettuce and dressing I like to call "air in a bottle."  Y'all, it's carb free, gluten free, sugar free, fat free, and calorie free.  Like I said, air in a bottle.

The broccoli was ok.  The salad was fine.  The soup?  I was nearly in tears and on the verge of vomit by the time I got it choked down.  oh my stars it was vile.  VILE!!

I headed back to work and promptly told my friend who convinced me to do this diet that I do not like her today.

Not long after lunch, my head was hurting and I was moments away from throwing up.  I felt horrible.  I was told to dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of sea salt in 8 oz of water to "cure" a headache in about 15 minutes.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get all of the salt water down because it was all I could do to keep myself from throwing up all over my desk.  My boss had already informed me that he did not want to have to clean the carpet in the office.  thanks, boss.

Luckily, I had a chiropractor appointment, so I left work early.  Once I got home, I took a long nap and felt much better when I woke up.  I took more of my supplements and had my snack.  As I was getting ready to prepare dinner (yay!  no packets at dinner!), a friend called and said she was coming through town and wanted to meet me for supper.  Well, I haven't seen her in a long time, today is her birthday, so how could I say no?

Turns out, that was just what I needed.  It was delicious and the company was even better.  I'm glad to know that I can eat out while I'm doing this.  I think I would totally fail if I couldn't go enjoy dinner with my friends from time to time.

They say the first three days are the worst of this, so I guess we will find out soon enough.  Wish me luck!

Day 1 Stats:
Weight: Obscene
Mood:  Not the greatest
Breakfast: Cappuccino drink mix - Meh
Lunch: tomato basil soup - GAG
Snack: some kind of chocolate crispy thingy - YUM
Dinner: hamburger steak, green beans, and greens.  YUM AND A HALF


p.s. to those of you who have been here in the past - yes, I used to have more posts than this.  I have reverted them to drafts because I want this to be a fresh start all around.

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