Friday, August 17, 2012

I'm quickly learning that the whole post-every-day thing just ain't gonna happen.  I will still be blogging my journey, I just won't be boring the interwebs with my mundane babble every day.  You're welcome.

My first week is officially over!  It was not the hardest thing I've ever done, but it was definitely not a cake walk.  mmmm cake...

So, I may have said this before, but I've decided I'm going to lose all my weight simply by walking to and from the bathroom.  This diet requires at least 80 oz. of water a day.  I will admit, this week I have been thankful for pants that don't require unbuttoning.  And I'm just gonna leave it at that!

Wednesday was perhaps the hardest day yet.  When I got to work, I had to resist muffins, cinnamon rolls, and fruit.  The cinnamon rolls weren't really tempting because I'm super picky about cinnamon rolls.  The muffins and fruit, however?  Oh. Em. Gee.  I could just feel the texture of the muffin in my mouth and I'm pretty sure I stared a little too long at them.  But, I got my black coffee and pushed onward to the office.

Wednesday afternoon?  I got to serve CAKE to our employees at work.  That's right, cake y'all.  That was pure torture.  Boss Hogg had me go with him to HEB to pick up the cake.  Of course, they had samples in the bakery.  It's funny how I'm realizing just how habitual eating is for me.  Without thinking, I nearly grabbed a sample of some baked good after BH.  I stopped myself, but I realized it was simply a reflex.  A scary reflex.  Then we got to stand there amongst the freshly baked breads, the cookies, the cakes, and in the distance, the sushi.  We finally got the sheet cake, half chocolate half white (like me!), and guess who got to hold it in the truck?  I'm pretty sure BH was trying to kill me.

At the end of the safety meeting, we presented a coworker with the cake because she's leaving us.  I'm very very sad about this departure.  Like, VERY sad.  I then proceeded to cut and serve the most delicious smelling cake I think I've ever been around.  I know I know, I normally turn my nose up to grocery store cakes.  I am a cake snob.  Oh, but this was clearly very moist and the smell was intoxicating.  I'm also a sucker for HEB's whipped frosting.  I know I know...

I somehow managed to serve everyone a piece of cake and didn't even lick my finger!  I'm not going to lie....I was nearly in tears over wanting a piece of that cake.  It's embarrassing to admit, but I really wanted to cry.  I can't help it...I love me some cake.

All that torture was worth it at my weekly appointment.  I got to the doctor's office today, wearing the lightest weight clothing I could find in my closet because they won't let me weigh naked in the middle of the idea why.  J took my measurements and I was pleasantly surprised.  I honestly went into my appointment not feeling like I had lost anything.  Boy, was I wrong!

Weekly Weigh In:
Inches Lost: 6 (although I really consider it to be more since they only measured one thigh and one arm)
Pounds Lost: 8

Yes, I said EIGHT.  Say it with me now "the human head weighs 8 pounds."  Name that movie!  As much as I wanted to cry over that cake, I wanted to cry ten times more when J told me I lost 8 pounds in one week. 

So, yeah, I was definitely skeptical of this diet program.  I have been ridiculously grumpy about it.  But you know what?  I'm a bonafide believer now!

Day 7 Stats:
Weight: Still obscene, minus 8 pounds
Mood: Elated
Packets I Will Never Touch Again: pineapple banana drink mix, cranberry pomegranate bar.
Packets I Could Eat My Weight In: white chocolate cinnamon bars, southwest cheese curls, lemon poppy seed bars.
Veggies I'm Getting Sick Of: cauliflower and broccoli.

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